On Thursday, a tragic incident unfolded in Gaza City where a large group of Palestinians, who were awaiting humanitarian aid at a roundabout, came under fire from Israeli forces. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that the attack resulted in at least 20 fatalities and left around 150 people injured, many of them seriously. This event underscores the escalating tensions and the urgent need for peace in the region.
Finland Echoes Hamas: Calls for End to Israel’s Self-Defence Finland, a member of NATO, has issued a statement that resonates with the sentiments expressed by the Palestinian group, Hamas. The country’s foreign minister, Elina Valtonen, declared that the period for Israel’s self-defence has come to an end. Valtonen criticized Israel for its failure to safeguard civilians in Gaza. She joined the chorus of international voices demanding an immediate ceasefire in the beleaguered Palestinian enclave. “Enough is enough,” stated Finland, reflecting growing global concern over the escalating conflict. This marks a significant moment in international diplomacy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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